Neon Extra
TrueTypeДля власного користування
- Hаголоси (часткові)
- Євро
Neon Extra.ttf
Примітка автора
Neon Extra font is a bold futuristic display typeface from Hawtpixel with geometric and angular characters. The expanded width makes this modern font much more eye-catching, giving it a presence that’s hard to ignore. Inspired by the aesthetics of the future, it can suit your design projects wonderfully.
Get creative with this free display font in printed magazine volumes, digital ads, websites, business cards, posters, packaging designs, invitations and RSVP cards (personally designed), T-shirts or blouses branding and customizing other apparel items or entire collections.
For standard commercial use, the price is $25, which applies to indie developers or small businesses with up to 10 users and a turnover of up to $1 million.
For large companies seeking unlimited users and uncapped turnover, the price is $100.
If you require unlimited user-created content, server embedding, or machine installation, the price is $250. This option is ideal for situations where many end users create their own custom content for sale.
For more details and to make a payment, please visit my site:
Alternatively, you can pay via this link:
Please note that if you purchase through a reseller rather than my site, I will only receive 50% of the payment.
If you are interested in licensing multiple fonts, please email me your font list so I can provide you with a heavily discounted bundle offer.
For those interested in licensing all 650+ of my fonts, there is a "full set" bundle deal available on my site here:
Thank you for downloading this font; I hope you find it useful!
The commercial use license requires a one-time payment that covers the buyer and/or their representing company for an unlimited number of projects worldwide and in perpetuity.
Get creative with this free display font in printed magazine volumes, digital ads, websites, business cards, posters, packaging designs, invitations and RSVP cards (personally designed), T-shirts or blouses branding and customizing other apparel items or entire collections.
For standard commercial use, the price is $25, which applies to indie developers or small businesses with up to 10 users and a turnover of up to $1 million.
For large companies seeking unlimited users and uncapped turnover, the price is $100.
If you require unlimited user-created content, server embedding, or machine installation, the price is $250. This option is ideal for situations where many end users create their own custom content for sale.
For more details and to make a payment, please visit my site:
Alternatively, you can pay via this link:
Please note that if you purchase through a reseller rather than my site, I will only receive 50% of the payment.
If you are interested in licensing multiple fonts, please email me your font list so I can provide you with a heavily discounted bundle offer.
For those interested in licensing all 650+ of my fonts, there is a "full set" bundle deal available on my site here:
Thank you for downloading this font; I hope you find it useful!
The commercial use license requires a one-time payment that covers the buyer and/or their representing company for an unlimited number of projects worldwide and in perpetuity.
Таблиця символів
Для перегляду різних таблиць символів для цього шрифту, будь ласка, скористайтесь меню, що розкривається.
Основна інформація про шрифт
Сімейство шрифту
Neon Extra
Підсімейство шрифту
Унікальний ідентифікатор підсімейства
Neon Extra:Version 1.00
Повна назва шрифту
Neon Extra
Ім´я настільної версії
Version 1.00;December 31, 2024;FontCreator 64-bit
Ім´я поскрипт шрифта
Розширена інформація про шрифт
Платформи підтримуються
ЮнікодЮникод 2.0 и прогресивна семантика, тільки Юникод BMP
MicrosoftТільки BMP юникод
Деталі шрифту
Кількість гліфів199
Одиниць на Em2048
Права вбудовуванняBбудовування для стаціонарної установки
Клас групиНе кваліфіковано
Mac стильЖирні
НапрямокТільки гліфи спрямовані зліва направо
ВисотаНе моноширинний
Повний пакет містить 2 шрифтів, що зазначені нижче:
Neon Extra.ttf
Neon Extra Italic.ttf
Neon Extra Italic.ttf
Neon Extra Italic
TrueTypeДля власного користування